Etymology- middle english ,ierarchie
rank or order of holy beings, from Anglo-French jerarchie
from Medieval Latin hierarchia, from late Greek, from Greek
Date 14th century
1; a division of angels
2 a: a ruling body of clergy organized into orders
or ranks, each subordinate to the one above it; especially;
the bishops of a province or nation
b church government by an hierarchy
3 A body of persons in authority
4 the classification of a group of people, according to ability
or to economic,social, or professional standing; also: the group so classified
5 a graded or ranked series <>
Always prefer to look up the etymology of such a word, especially if its pertaining to the church. For the sake of discussion two topics will apply here as is in question. Church order and Spirituality. Seems lately more than ever I keep getting inquiries about this. Why now? Why ever? Should not these two topics marry into one? What does thee Holy Administration have to say about this?
Surely there will be others to expound on these topics which is quite alright, I'm an avid believer that not one of us get it all, could we really imagine such a thing? A human being with that kind of power? I love the teaching and preaching of quite a few myself, but the great joy is watching all the pieces fall together in a whole from various teachings. Theres only One such a one that can be accredited with that kind of authority, to direct, lead, command holy ordinance and have dominion over everyone and everything. We'll get more into this later.
Now when He came into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people
confronted Him as He was teaching, and said, "By what authority are You doing these
things? And who gave You this authority?" (Matt. 21:23).
Now as we know all things are recorded in the scriptures for our study, with just about anything pertaining to Church or the Ekklesia (Voting Assembly) and it's order. See we must remember how the order of things were, first off according to Mosaic law only the priest were allowed to keep any religious or spiritual ordinance of the temple.
And thou shalt put them upon Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him; and shalt anoint them, and consecrate them, and sanctify them, that they may minister unto me in the priest's office. (Exodus 28:41)
Along with numerous other from Exodus 28- 40, which explains the calling and Ordination services and then again through most of the book of Leviticus starting in chapter 1 which show us the hectic services that had to take place in ministry before the Adonai/Lord. As far as we know Messiah Yeshua didn't meet any of the qualifications,,,,well according to religious man. Lets see what His reply is,,,,,,,,
And Jesus answered and said unto them, I also will ask you one thing, which if ye tell me, I in like wise will tell you by what authority I do these things. The baptism of John, whence was it ? from heaven, or of men? And they reasoned with themselves, saying , If we shall say , From heaven; he will say unto us, Why did ye not then believe him? (Matthew 21:24-25)
Before we go any further lets grab a couple of points about this particular set of verses,,,
1. Yeshua/Jesus did'nt question their right to ask. He refused to answer directly because he knew their hearts and their hypocrisy. Were they really asking because they would care if he said then he was sent of the Father? Or was it because they didn't choose him?
2. When it comes to matters of the Church it is scriptural and right to ask where the authority resides in what is taught
3. This is why we should have been taught to give, book, chapter and verse for the things which we preach.
a. So that all can know where it came from.
b. That one can check for themselves and see if what we preach or teach is true (Acts 17:11)
c. Notice His question refer to two applications of authority, Heaven (the Spiritual) and Men (Earth or World)
4. We must comprehend, get in, and see that Yeshua/Jesus has "All" authority ( Matthew 28:18)
Exclamation on the word,,,,All.
For right now we'll leave it here. As we said please expound further if you as leaders in the Body of Messiah have been so inspired. These are inserts from previous studies compiled with one we received in our Ministerial classes. When we return we start back where we left off.
Until then Brethren, sometimes its good for us to reevaluate what should be our basics, but some of the most valuable instructions in remembrances of the way Our Father designed things. How long have many of us been churched? An unknowingly forgotten who it is really thats in Charge.
For the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of the saints, but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God; ( 2 Corinthians 9:12)
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